
夏博大学辅导计划是一个 同行 导师计划. One of the goals of the program is to provide the students in our classrooms with the opportunity to become tutors, in order to develop their own knowledge, skills, 和 confidence, 和 to gain work experience that can benefit them when they transfer 到其他机构或找工作. 因此,我们从整个班级中招募导师 the discipline, 和 we do not out source in our search for tutors. 尽管有 many students attending 类 at Chabot who have relevant experience, 和 even academic degrees, that could recommend them as tutors, 和 of course there are individuals at local colleges 和 in our communities who could feasibly qualify as tutors, they are not recruited unless they are taking 类 at Chabot in disciplines for which 他们可以做家教. (Thus, a student with a degree or work experience in a science would not be recruited as 一个导师 unless identified as a student in one of our science instructors’ 类.) 

In its first years of operation, the new tutorial program has taught us a great deal 韦德1946导师应有的品质. 下面的特征列表反映了 这些发现. For instance, we have learned from practice that the highest scoring students in a class do not necessarily become good tutors. 辅导主要是韦德1946 与他人合作良好 善于沟通. Thus, it is crucial that instructors who are recommending students as tutors look 为了这些品质.





  • 说话: A tutee working with 一个导师 should not have to struggle to underst和 the speech 导师的. It is understood that many of our tutees have difficulty listening to spoken English, so there is no guarantee that a tutee will be able to underst和 easily the speech even of a professional newscaster in English. 但这应该是唯一的 这个问题的起源. A tutor’s own characteristics as a speaker of English should not be a significant obstacle to a tutee’s comprehension.
  • : Students seeking tutorials are an extremely heterogeneous group, in knowledge 和 技能水平和语言流利程度. 他们中许多人的母语不是英语, whose accents are strong enough to require much attention to underst和. 理想情况下, tutors will be able to underst和 easily not only st和ard spoken English, but English 不同口音的用各种不同口音说的. 一个对口音容忍度很低的人,也就是说, who struggles to underst和 English spoken by a non-native—is not well suited to be 一个导师.



Tutors are advised in the training that they receive to assess how their tutees are 在他们的教程中取得成功. 如果导师的方法不起作用,导师应该这样做 a) be alert to notice this, 和 b) adjust his or her approach to find something that 更成功地协助学员. 

  1. One of the basic skills for doing this is the ability (better yet, inclination) to 观察他人的行为. Not all students are well suited to this: even many of our best performing students in our 类 are not always good at observing others. Some of our “A” students have been successful academically because of their having learned as particular set of successful behaviors 和 sticking to them persistently, which has led them to develop personal work habits that do not allow for much flexibility. 这 recommendation refers to the tutor’s ability, not mastery, of the skill. 多 of the training that tutors receive address this skill. 
  2. In training sessions, the tutors discuss different learning styles, so they are aware 并不是所有的学生都学一样的东西. 并不是所有的导师都被要求应用学习 skill knowledge to assess the needs of their tutees, but they are required to underst和 that not all tutees will respond successfully to any one approach to tutoring. 当 一个导师ing approach is not working, tutors are advised to try other approaches. 这 is another skill that is not present in all outst和ing students: many of the “A” students in our 类 are not inclined in tutorial situations to be so flexible—they are more inclined to show tutees how they do things, 和 might become impatient when Tutees不能从中受益



这 seems obvious enough, but is not as common a personality trait as we might like 想. Again, many great students in our 类 have become successful through their focus 和 individual determination, but not necessarily through their enjoyment 和别人一起工作. The best tutors are visibly comfortable as they sit in 一个导师ial session, relaxed 和 confident working closely with a struggling student whom they 不知道. As much as anything else, tutoring is a social activity.



Students who seek tutorial assistance often have a history of struggling with their studies, 和 they can have developed unproductive study 和 work habits. 他们是 not always as focused as they should be, 和 it is not always easy to perceive progress 他们正在制作. That is at the core of our work: occasionally we assist students who are ready to work constructively with tutors 和 who demonstrate progress within 几次辅导. 更多的时候,我们没有. 导师必须能适应 this, 和 patient with a wide variety of study 和 work behaviors that they personally 不明白.



Our tutors work in the classroom 和 various learning support centers, where it is necessary for them to be punctual, focused in their work, productive, courteous, honest, 并渴望与他人合作. 导师应该为……做出贡献 a supportive, positive learning environment, whether they are working in a center, 在教室里,或者其他任何地方.