Registration Policies

根据学区政策,所有课程都开放注册和参与 任何符合本课程学术要求的人都可以 eligible for admission to Chabot College.
学生们被提醒,一些课程和项目可能会如此受欢迎或 所以受限于物理设施和/或合格教练的可用性 all students who apply cannot be accommodated.

加州社区学院理事会批准了建立 全系统招生优先级设计,以确保课程可供学生使用 寻求职业培训,获得学位或转学,并奖励那些取得 progress toward their educational goals.

已完成大学入学培训和评估并发展良好的新生 教育计划,以及继续学业成绩良好的学生 未超过100个单元的学生将优先考虑不符合这些标准的学生. 在这些学生中,有现役军人,退伍军人,现在和以前的寄养青年 无家可归的学生将继续拥有一级注册课程的优先权. 扩展机会项目和服务(EOPS和CARE)的学生,CalWORKs, 寄养青年和残疾学生项目和服务也将优先考虑.

想要注册有先决条件的课程的学生必须令人满意地完成 that prerequisite before they are allowed to register. A course has a prerequisite 确保学生有适当的知识体系来顺利学习 the course. 有共同要求的课程要求学生要么已经修过 必修课程,或与课程同时选修.

For more information on pre-requisites, you can visit the Counseling Prerequisite Clearance site.


  • Full-time student - Registered for 12 or more units
  • Three-quarter time student - Registered for 9.0 to 11.5 units
  • Half-time student - Registered for 6.0 to 8.5 units
每学期十八(18)个单元被认为是学生的最大负荷. 为了超过上限,必须从辅导员那里获得批准表格. The College reserves the right to place unit limit restrictions due to fiscal constraints. 
学生应在截止日期前正式退课 listed in the current Class Schedule. There is no automatic withdrawal process. Failure 遵守适当的退课程序,可能会被扣“F”级。. Requests 在“NGR”(无成绩记录)截止日期之前收到的课程中退出 will not appear on a student’s academic transcript. If a student withdraws from a 在“NGR”截止日期之后,但在“W”(撤回)截止日期之前,a “W” will appear on their transcript. A “W” notation will not affect the student’s grade point average; however, excessive “W” notations may affect: (1) progress status, (2)全日制学生身份;(3)获得经济援助和其他福利的资格; (4)运动资格,或(5)重复课程的能力(基于标题V的规定). Refer to the Class Schedule for important deadline dates.
有意退学的学生必须办理退学手续 for each class in which they are enrolled. Students are held accountable for clearing 所有与学院的义务,包括费用、图书馆书籍、设备和储物柜. 有保证符号" W "的课程的退课截止日期是周五 the twelfth instructional week. Refer to the Class Schedule for deadlines.
老师可能会让错过第一堂课的学生退学. In addition, 如果学生缺课超过四(4)次,教师可以开始退学。 连续或六(6)累计教学时数和/或连续两(2)周 of instruction.

学院认为最近完成的课程应该最准确 reflect a student’s academic progress. Therefore, students may repeat for credit those courses taken for which grades of D, F, NP, W were received. The most recent grade (A, B, C, D, F, P/NP)的成绩必须计算在GPA中,无论是否 this grade is lower or higher than the original grade.

2012年夏季生效,根据新的标题5规定,学生只能注册 通过不合格成绩(D, F, NP或NC)的组合,在一门课程中出现三次。 and withdrawals (W). 所有之前在查伯特拉斯波西塔斯社区的课程尝试 College District will count toward the limit. Students may seek approval to enroll in a course a 4th time through the petition process.

  1. Significant Lapse of Time (3 years or more) AND:
    1. 课程设置有一个既定的近代性先决条件
    2. 有一个由另一个机构制定的既定的近期要求 of higher education 
  2. Extenuating Circumstances -以前的等级是由于经过证实的事故、疾病或 other circumstances beyond the control of the student. 
  3. Special Needs courses (continued need must be demonstrated for each enrollment).
  4. Extraordinary Conditions -学生成绩单上记录的其中一次入学是由于火灾,洪水, 或者其他特殊情况,或者学区无法继续办学 由于火灾、洪水、传染病、战争造成的紧急情况,至少开放175天; or other major safety hazards.
  5. Legally Mandated Training -必须满足法律规定的培训要求,作为支付报酬的条件 or volunteer employment.
  6. Significant Change in Industry or Licensure Standards -学生必须证明行业或执照标准的重大变化 因为该学生之前修过该课程,以及该学生需要修这门课程 again for employment or licensure.
  7. 军事撤退——在美国现役或预备役的学生.S. Military received orders compelling withdrawal. Upon verification of orders, enrollment does NOT count in maximum number of enrollments nor withdrawals.
  8. Portion of Variable Unit Open Entry/Open Exit Credit Course -入学要求一次性完成可变单元的全部课程 course as described in the course outline of record. May NOT repeat any portion of the course, unless it is
    1. Legally mandated 
    2. A special class for students with disabilities 
    3. Justified by extenuating circumstances 
    4. 减少在可变单元课程中记录的不合格作业. 
  9. Cooperative Work Experience -报名参加合作工作经验课程(最多16学分).